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Poetry & Non-Fiction Books

I have authored a number of poetry books, as well as a textbook based on my professional work.

Poetry Books
Click on the title below to read more about each book.

Fishmas is a humorous take-off on the Twelve Days of Christmas. Set by the seaside, the reader learns about cute beachy creatures as they count down to Christmas.

Updraft is a collection of poetry that spans several decades of my western-style poems. It has four sections: Nature's Marvels, Doctor and Patience, Pandemic, and Love and Lovers.

I wrote a number of books of haiku and tanka in the 1990s. Most were written in collaboration with friends and colleagues in the Pacific Northwest and Japan. They are all illustrated.

As a psychiatrist, I treated civilians, law-enforcement professionals, military and veterans. This book is based on my experience evaluating and treating law-enforcement professionals.

Copyright Firebellied Frog and Kathleen P. Decker, 2024.

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